Royal Rangers is a ministry that reaches across the United States and in over 65 nations around the world. It motivates boys spiritually through Bible study and memorization, devotionals, and Christian role models. Boys are strengthened mentally by an advanced awards-based weekly program. Further, the boys increase their physical prowess by participation in age-specific activities and recreation. Finally, they are introduced to church, community, and nature-related activities to develop their social skills and awareness. Dedicated leaders, called commanders, provide boys the necessary direction during a weekly outpost meeting. The meetings are designed to develop the total boy for Christ and offer love and understanding between the boy and a godly role model. The Life of a Royal Ranger includes great outdoor adventures through camping, water activities, hiking, rappelling, and mountain climbing, as well as challenging indoor adventures. There will be opportunities year-round to attend tremendous camping events at the outpost, district, or national levels. The experience as a Royal Ranger will be one of growth. He will grow in four ways. Through proper exercise and diet, his body will develop physically. Through prayer, Bible study, and witnessing, he will grow spiritually. By studying and reading, his mind will grow mentally. And by learning how to treat others, he will develop socially. Royal Rangers ministers to boys in the United States and in over 65 countries through Bible study and memorization, devotionals, outdoor and camping activities, and Christian role models. Boys are strengthened
Dedicated leaders provide direction during weekly outpost meetings in the local church, which are designed to develop the total boy for Christ. Each outpost has four age groups to allow boys to advance with their peers at an appropriate pace. The weekly planning guides encourage the boys to learn and stay on course for the Gold Medal of Achievement—the highest award a boy can earn, which is the equivalent of the Boy Scouts Eagle Scout Award. The mission of Royal Rangers is to reach, teach, and keep boys for Christ! The purpose of the Royal Rangers ministry is to evangelize boys for Christ, develop the total boy for Christ (spiritually, physically, mentally and socially), and keep boys in our churches. Our aim and goals for Royal Rangers are to instruct, challenge and inspire our boys in the areas of Bible doctrine, Christian service, moral conduct, and basic beliefs of our church through interesting activities that boys enjoy. Select a topic to learn more:
This information has been furnished by the National Royal Rangers Ministry |
Why should you have Royal Rangers in your Church? We believe Royal Rangers is one of the most viable ministries available today. Able to break down barriers and reach children in powerful and life altering ways. See what makes Royal Rangers work and why you should consider offering it as a ministry in your church.
Royal Rangers addresses 4 important areas.
- Offers a well rounded ministry.
- Can not only change boys, but sons and fathers, and entire families.
- Provides male interaction when their is a predominant lack of men in the home.
- Stem the tide of lack of men in church ministry.
Well Rounded Ministry
Royal Rangers is one of the few ministries that specifically targets boys from the ages of 5-18. Our goal is to disciple young men into boys by challenging them in 4 ways.
Boys work on a merit based program and classroom activities that they will find fun and challenging.
Camping, Outdoor merits such as cycling, hiking, and canoeing are just some of the ways we develop the physical side of a boy.
Through interaction with leaders and other boys, and encouraging community and church involvement boys are exposed to dealing with others in positive and meaningful ways.
Through a program of discipleship, merit based Bible teaching, and Christian example through Commanders we lay the foundation for relationship with Christ.Changing lives
Royal Rangers can do much more than just be a place to hangout on Wednesday night. Countless families have been brought to Christ through their Childs involvement in Royal Rangers. Like wise countless boys who otherwise wouldn’t have, came to know Christ. See this testimony from a royal ranger commander
Through divorce, annulment and death, by the time I was 21, I had had 5 moms.
By the time I was 16(the same age I left home); I had attended 7 different churches.
This sounds like a life of inconsistency.... True on most counts.
Royal Rangers however was the single most important constant for me as a child. By God's grace and through the perseverance and dedication of many commanders, I was able to continue growing as a Royal Ranger. I looked up to my commanders and saw them as men I hoped to be like.
I accepted Christ at a Pow Wow as a boy and have given thanks to God countless times for placing men before me as commanders who were dedicated to speaking into my life.
For boys like me, Royal Rangers is a life-line. I have wondered where I would be had it not been for the ministry of Royal my life, it truly has been priceless.
Lack of Men in the Home
The standard family is a thing of the past. Today more and more families are single parent homes. Young men are growing up in fatherless homes. Without godly men to guide and teach them what will become of the men of tomorrow? Royal Rangers provides the opportunity for boys to interact with men who are examples of Christian living and who care about their life. These commanders may very well be the only positive male role model in their life. Crisis in Church Leadership
Church ministry finds it harder and harder to find men who will be involved in the church and in the home. Without teaching the boys of today, the men of tomorrow will only continue this trend. Harder then it’s ever been it will only continue to get harder unless men take charge of the mantle god has placed on them. We challenge you and the men in your church to take this obligation seriously and take the opportunity to make positive change in the boys of today.
by Keith Butler
pastor, First Assembly of God, Berryville, AR
Some wonder why our church puts so much emphasis on Wednesday night ministries. My view is as follows, and I'm most happy to share why I view Royal Rangers as so important to our church.
What Jesus asked the Church to do was to go into all the world and make disciples. Many times, when we hear these words, we think of going overseas and taking the Word to those who have never heard it, but He said that we are to start in our own Jerusalem, that is what we are doing.
If we are interested in saving the sinner, we know that the ages the Royal Rangers program works with are the ages that we are most likely to have the most success. We have found that to be the case. It is our opinion that most people will be saved by the work of those working directly with the unsaved. Then they come to Sunday morning or evening services to make their public confession and be baptized.
Most of the boys that our leaders work with come to us with all the problems of third world countries. They come to us needing the feeling of being loved, care, direction, understanding, and help in improving their lives. We give them all this. We transport them, feed them, and listen to their problems. We allow them to fully participate in the program, knowing that the cost is great and that they cannot pay it.
Our leaders come to every Wednesday night service after much prayer, knowing that they are going to deal with things that only God can handle. When they go on outings, they know that they are taking some boys that have never had the opportunity to do the things that other boys have done. They will be going on the outing with all the problems that they carry with all the time; lack of trust, anger, envy, and a great deal of fear.
Some would say that this is a great drain on the church budget. It is! But we view it as a "Home" mission program. There is no other way to see it. If we use the Royal Rangers program to reach every boy in our area, it is a home mission program. Just as we would not expect the very poor to be able to pay those that bring the message of Jesus to them, we cannot expect these very poor kids to pay their way.
I, as the pastor, am the leader of our Royal Rangers. I do not work directly in the program, but I back the program and talk about it every chance I get. The leaders need by prayers and those of my congregation. They need to know that I know the job is not always easy. That without the working of the Holy Spirit in their lives, they can not do the job. They and all the other missionaries that work on Wednesday night know that I am always there for them. That my door, my time, my gratitude is always here for them.
I feel that my church would not be doing the job that Jesus commissioned us to do, if we did not have the Wednesday night emphasis that we have.
This information provided by the National Royal Rangers Office
There are four basic steps to establishing a Royal Rangers outpost to minister to the boys and young men in your local church or fellowship.
The Pastor: The pastor is the key to having a successful Royal Rangers ministry . If he is fully aware of how evangelically effective Royal Rangers is, he will support the ministry wholeheartedly. First, he must learn about Royal Rangers. If your pastor wants to learn about Royal Rangers, this Web site is a great place to start. It is best if he is the one to initiate the program in the church to ensure congregational and staff support for this vital ministry. He should discuss with the congregation the basic needs of the boys and recommend that the program be adopted.
The Church: The congregation should recognize that the Royal Rangers groups are a part of the "total church ministry." Also, they should realize that the men in the church should assume responsibility for the promotion, leadership and financing of the work. The church is also responsible to screen its leaders for the safety of the children in the church. Some churches may choose another leader or ministry to exercise authority over the Royal Rangers.
Ministry Oversight: The church's board or department head should promote and oversee Royal Rangers. Those individuals must become familiar with the aims, purposes and mission of this ministry.
Outpost Council: An Outpost Council is appointed by the local Men's Ministries Committee or the church board. It is comprised of three to five men who are interested in ministry to boys, capable of leadership and willing to spend time developing the program. This council is responsible for appointing leaders, securing a meeting place, finances and equipment and honoring advancements
Because the commander is looked up to as an example by the commanders and boys in Royal Rangers, the Outpost Council should consider the qualifications of a good commander, as suggested by the following guidelines:
{mospagebreak title=Outpost Staff&heading=Getting Started}
Outpost Commander:
Each outpost group of Royal Rangers needs a leader (called "commander") and, when possible, a lieutenant commander. A survey ascertaining the number of interested boys in each outpost group will help in determining the number of groups and leaders needed.
After you have established your outpost, you can receive a great deal of assistance and help with implementing the program through chartering your outpost. In order to obtain chartering, you must meet minimum requirements, including:
- A qualified leader and, if possible, one or more assistants
- At least five boys who have met the recruit requirements
- A registration fee for each participating boy and adult
- Holding three regular meetings
Along with being officially recognized as a Royal Rangers outpost, your ministry will receive helpful materials such as:
- An outpost number and an official charter certificate
- Membership cards for the boys in your program
- Quarterly publications of High Adventure for your boys and High Adventure Leader for your commanders
- Award program enrollment, making your group eligible to participate in the Outpost Commander's Award Program
- Selected brochures that highlight the many areas of ministry available to Royal Rangers participants
- Royal Ranger Data Manager CD for each chartered church
- Other benefits, such as participation in the Leadership Training Academy; national training camps; sectional, district and national camping activities; and the Royal Rangers of the Year program (which ranges from local to national competition)
Training is the key to a successful Royal Rangers ministry . Leaders should endeavor to receive all the knowledge available to them about Royal Rangers. A novice leader should obtain, the Royal Rangers Leaders Manual. The next step is enrollment is the Ranger Basics Module of the Leadership Training Academy to enable him to meet the challenges of leading boys.
In addition, the national office conducts National Training Camps, designed to help give more assistance to leaders in the Royal Rangers ministry . For information on what training camps are available, visit the Training section of our web site.
(Taken from the Royal Rangers Leaders Manual, pages 243-244.)
The following suggested outline for the first meeting follows the reular meeting plan for the groups. Before the Meeting: While the Boys and Parents Arrive
Opening Ceremony The pastor or senior commander should greet the audience and introduce and introduce each commander. Ask the families to introduce themselves. Distribute any pertinent information related to the church. Explain the ideals and purposes of Royal Rangers using the information from the kit. Demonstrate how Royal Rangers will open doors to adventure, friendship and fun. Explain how commanders will work with them to make activities and programs a success. Distribute the Royal Rangers catalogs. Let the boys and parents look at the uniforms, awards and accessories. Discuss how the boys can obtain their uniforms. Explain how they can earn and wear everything. Speaker: If possible, invite a speaker who is familiar with the program such as a section or district Royal Rangers commander. Question-and-Answer Time Closing Ceremony After the Meeting Make sure you have plenty of handbooks, workbooks, Leaders' Guides and flags for each group. Give the proper materials to group commanders and instruct them to study the introduction and the first lesson for next week. Each commander should be ready for his separate group meeting next week. Between Meetings |
Begin your second meeting with an Opening Ceremony. This can be done all together as an outpost or in your individual groups. Make sure commanders are prepared to lead theri meetings. Instruct them to used the program with the aid of the Leaders Guide, Royal Rangers Leaders Manual, workbooks and handbooks. During the Business/Patrol Corners collect the chartering dues. |
Your outpost should meet once a week for at least one and one-half hour. It is important that you and the boys have an enjoyable time together. Every meeting should provide both fun and accomplishment for the boys. Plan a well-rounded program in every meeting so the boys will always be anxious to return. A meeting that has only fun with no accomplishment causes the boys to soon lose interest. Begin and end each meeting on time. This is good training for the boys in managing their own affairs. It also helps inspire confidence in the boys' parents. For additional outpost meeting ideas, refer to the High Adventure Leader and the Outpost Activities Book. |
After reading this your probably thinking what now? Well we as a district are here to help you.You probably still have a million questions. For answers contact your Sectional, Division, and District Staff. We will be glad to offer advice, suggestions, and support.
There are four basic steps to establishing a Royal Rangers outpost to minister to the boys and young men in your local church or fellowship.
The Pastor: The pastor is the key to having a successful Royal Rangers ministry . If he is fully aware of how evangelically effective Royal Rangers is, he will support the ministry wholeheartedly. First, he must learn about Royal Rangers. If your pastor wants to learn about Royal Rangers, this Web site is a great place to start. It is best if he is the one to initiate the program in the church to ensure congregational and staff support for this vital ministry. He should discuss with the congregation the basic needs of the boys and recommend that the program be adopted.
The Church: The congregation should recognize that the Royal Rangers groups are a part of the "total church ministry." Also, they should realize that the men in the church should assume responsibility for the promotion, leadership and financing of the work. The church is also responsible to screen its leaders for the safety of the children in the church. Some churches may choose another leader or ministry to exercise authority over the Royal Rangers.
Ministry Oversight: The church's board or department head should promote and oversee Royal Rangers. Those individuals must become familiar with the aims, purposes and mission of this ministry.
Outpost Council: An Outpost Council is appointed by the local Men's Ministries Committee or the church board. It is comprised of three to five men who are interested in ministry to boys, capable of leadership and willing to spend time developing the program. This council is responsible for appointing leaders, securing a meeting place, finances and equipment and honoring advancements
Because the commander is looked up to as an example by the commanders and boys in Royal Rangers, the Outpost Council should consider the qualifications of a good commander, as suggested by the following guidelines:
Outpost Commander:
Each outpost group of Royal Rangers needs a leader (called "commander") and, when possible, a lieutenant commander. A survey ascertaining the number of interested boys in each outpost group will help in determining the number of groups and leaders needed.
After you have established your outpost, you can receive a great deal of assistance and help with implementing the program through chartering your outpost. In order to obtain chartering, you must meet minimum requirements, including:
- A qualified leader and, if possible, one or more assistants
- At least five boys who have met the recruit requirements
- A registration fee for each participating boy and adult
- Holding three regular meetings
Along with being officially recognized as a Royal Rangers outpost, your ministry will receive helpful materials such as:
- An outpost number and an official charter certificate
- Membership cards for the boys in your program
- Quarterly publications of High Adventure for your boys and High Adventure Leader for your commanders
- Award program enrollment, making your group eligible to participate in the Outpost Commander's Award Program
- Selected brochures that highlight the many areas of ministry available to Royal Rangers participants
- Royal Ranger Data Manager CD for each chartered church
- Other benefits, such as participation in the Leadership Training Academy; national training camps; sectional, district and national camping activities; and the Royal Rangers of the Year program (which ranges from local to national competition)
Training is the key to a successful Royal Rangers ministry . Leaders should endeavor to receive all the knowledge available to them about Royal Rangers. A novice leader should obtain, the Royal Rangers Leaders Manual. The next step is enrollment is the Ranger Basics Module of the Leadership Training Academy to enable him to meet the challenges of leading boys.
In addition, the national office conducts National Training Camps, designed to help give more assistance to leaders in the Royal Rangers ministry . For information on what training camps are available, visit the Training section of our web site.
(Taken from the Royal Rangers Leaders Manual, pages 243-244.)
The following suggested outline for the first meeting follows the reular meeting plan for the groups. Before the Meeting: While the Boys and Parents Arrive
Opening Ceremony The pastor or senior commander should greet the audience and introduce and introduce each commander. Ask the families to introduce themselves. Distribute any pertinent information related to the church. Explain the ideals and purposes of Royal Rangers using the information from the kit. Demonstrate how Royal Rangers will open doors to adventure, friendship and fun. Explain how commanders will work with them to make activities and programs a success. Distribute the Royal Rangers catalogs. Let the boys and parents look at the uniforms, awards and accessories. Discuss how the boys can obtain their uniforms. Explain how they can earn and wear everything. Speaker: If possible, invite a speaker who is familiar with the program such as a section or district Royal Rangers commander. Question-and-Answer Time Closing Ceremony After the Meeting Make sure you have plenty of handbooks, workbooks, Leaders' Guides and flags for each group. Give the proper materials to group commanders and instruct them to study the introduction and the first lesson for next week. Each commander should be ready for his separate group meeting next week. Between Meetings |
Begin your second meeting with an Opening Ceremony. This can be done all together as an outpost or in your individual groups. Make sure commanders are prepared to lead theri meetings. Instruct them to used the program with the aid of the Leaders Guide, Royal Rangers Leaders Manual, workbooks and handbooks. During the Business/Patrol Corners collect the chartering dues. |
Your outpost should meet once a week for at least one and one-half hour. It is important that you and the boys have an enjoyable time together. Every meeting should provide both fun and accomplishment for the boys. Plan a well-rounded program in every meeting so the boys will always be anxious to return. A meeting that has only fun with no accomplishment causes the boys to soon lose interest. Begin and end each meeting on time. This is good training for the boys in managing their own affairs. It also helps inspire confidence in the boys' parents. For additional outpost meeting ideas, refer to the High Adventure Leader and the Outpost Activities Book. |
After reading this your probably thinking what now? Well we as a district are here to help you.You probably still have a million questions. For answers contact your Sectional, Division, and District Staff. We will be glad to offer advice, suggestions, and support.
What is it about our ministry that makes it worth while having? It is one of the few ministries that specifically targets boys from the ages of 8-15. Our goal is to disciple young men into boys by challenging them in 4 ways.
Boys work on a merit based program and classroom activities that they will find fun and challenging
Camping, Outdoor merits such as cycling, hiking and canoeing are just some of the ways we develop the physical side of a boy.
Through interaction with leaders and other boys and encouraging community and church involvement boys are exposed to dealing with others in positive and meaningful ways